Woodlawn Garden of Memories - Map
Complaints concerning perpetual care cemeteries should be directed to:
Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705;
1-877/276-5554 (toll free); www.dob.texas.gov.
These Rules and Regulations are designed to assist in building and maintaining a cemetery of surpassing beauty as a memorial to those loved ones that you have entrusted to our care. They are also used for the protection of owners of interment rights and staff members participating in the maintenance of the cemetery grounds.
Visitation Hours are dawn to dusk, Tuesday through Sunday, unless the Park Superintendent identifies a safety concern related to weather or other safety hazards. No person shall be permitted or enter or leave the cemetery except by the public gates. Any person found in the cemetery when gates are closed will be considered a trespasser. Automobiles shall not be driven through the cemetery at a greater speed than 10 miles per hour and MUST NEVER BE PARKED OR DRIVEN ON GRASS. An outer burial container is required for all burials, including cremation interments. Woodlawn is not responsible for any theft of vases or other personal belongings left at a gravesite or in a vehicle.
Flowers or other decorations may be placed in a cemetery approved vase only, including bronze, granite (on monuments only) and zinc. * No flowers/decorations may be placed at the gravesite in any other type of container, including stuck in the ground or hung on a nearby tree, with the only exception being an American flag honoring veteran. NO plants, shrubs, flowers, or trees will be permitted to be planted anywhere in the cemetery. Removal/replacement of trees will be at Woodlawn’s discretion. No fences or outlining of any kind are permitted around graves, markers, or monuments in any section, including rocks/marbles. Any items placed at the graveside, outside of an approved vase, are not allowed and will be removed without notice. Solar lights, garden flags, pinwheels, etc. are ONLY allowed if inserted firmly in a cemetery approved vase. Balloons are not allowed at any time. No more than 2 vases (Zinc/Bronze) are allowed on a single space. CONCRETE BENCHES MAY NO LONGER BE PLACED IN THE CEMETERY AND WILL BE REMOVED.
Woodlawn reserves the right, at its discretion and for any reason at any time, to remove any decorations it feels are inappropriate, dangerous, or that do not conform to its Rules and Regulations. Woodlawn cannot be liable for the safety or return on sentimental or valuable items left on a grave, so it is highly discouraged.
*Due to smaller plots and marker allowances, Block 5, Block 17, and Block 50 Babyland will be the ONLY sections allowed to have a single plastic cemetery vase with stake. All decorations/flowers must fit within the single plastic cemetery vase.
Families will be allowed to decorate beyond the vase the week before the following holidays ONLY: Mother’s Day, Father's Day, Christmas, and Halloween/Dia de los Muertos. The decorations will be removed the week after the designated holidays, no exceptions.
Permanent flat markers (granite, bronze, or bronze on granite) and upright granite monuments designed/made for cemeteries are the only items allowed. Bronze is allowed in any section of the cemetery, but granite is restricted in some sections. Markers and monuments must meet size regulations and may only be installed in the location designated by Woodlawn and facing the direction designated by Woodlawn. PLEASE verify allowances prior to the finalization of any order as Woodlawn is not responsible for money spent on unauthorized memorials or monuments. An application must be submitted for markers/monuments ordered through an outside vendor prior to being made to ensure allowance. Certain fees must be paid for staking/setting/inspection prior to installation. Woodlawn is not responsible for future maintenance of markers/monuments that are not ordered or set through Woodlawn.
Woodlawn is not responsible for any damage or breakage of any memorial, monument, etc. caused by natural acts of God.